Consensus Algorithm

CuriumVerse was implemented by cherry-picking the major strengths of DPoS and BFT. Thanks to the common features with DPoS, the influence of participants is proportional to their stake in the system. BFT principles let avoid chain forks and finalize transactions without a necessity to confirm them. According to CuriumVerse Consensus rules, all stakeholders have a right to take a part in the Delegate election and each of them has one vote which they can give to a Delegate or recall. The list of Active Delegates is formed in accordance with participants’ votes. As a result of voting, top N of Delegates become Active Delegates. Their exact number is determined in accordance with the requirements of security and efficiency. At the current moment, in CuriumVerse N is equal to 21. Active Delegates have their privileged role for one Epoch which lasts till N blocks are produced. This approach provides each Active delegate with an opportunity to produce a block. Malicious actions can be immediately detected and a delegate that has malicious purposes can be excluded from the systems. There is a Time Slot for each Active Delegate to produce a block that should be validated by other Active Delegates. All of them should vote for or against the newly produced block. The block will be added to the chain if the majority of votes received are the votes for. The number of the votes for should be more than (2/3N + 1). After the decision is taken, there is some time for the network to synchronize.

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